Garrison & Sloan currently provides canine detection services in various cities around the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, and Europe, and can accommodate new locations as needed. Garrison & Sloan has been servicing the cruise line industry since 2001 and traces its law enforcement beginnings back to 1984. Our training facility is ATF and DEA licensed–an essential feature for any facility that trains Narcotic or Explosive detector canines. And our canine teams are certified through FIU/IFRI, FLECA, US Army RDECOM, USAF, DCJS, NNDDA or DOD standards. Contact us any time should have further questions or need additional information.
Garrison & Sloan handlers are current or retired law enforcement officers, have a military background, and/or are certified as explosives or narcotics detection handlers through one of the national recognized certification programs. This validates the integrity of the Garrison & Sloan program as well as yours.
When you are ready to commence services, the Garrison & Sloan Executive Team meets with your Security Personnel to discuss personalized strategies specific to your search needs and establish a customized Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) for our canines teams to execute with the highest level of safety. Please contact us and we will gladly meet with you in person or send out a presentation package to your organization detailing how our services can exceed your expectations.